Pin Hsuan

Pin Hsuan

Contrast between Valsalva, inspiratory loading and breath hold and how the signal changes differ between OSA, OSA_CPAP and CONTROLS.






  1. Heart rate

  2. Blood pressure

  3. Respiration as a control to verify the timing of signals 1 and 2

Analysis steps Acqknowledge

  1. Copy raw data into shared folder → copy to local folder (also see Data organization)

  2. Separate valsalva, inspiratory loading and breath hold into separate files

  3. Create focus areas for each task/file (steps 2 and 3: Separate tasks & create focus areas)

  4. Run cardiac signal detection (see ECG analysis)

    1. Visually inspect markers on signal

    2. Manually correct markers

    3. Export excel spreadsheet with all ECG intervals: will only use HR and R-R interval

  5. Run blood pressure signal detection and manually correct markers (see Blood pressure analysis)

    1. Export excel spreadsheet with blood pressure data: systolic and diastolic

  6. Run respiration peak detection and manually correct markers (see Respiration analysis)

    1. Find cycle inspiration-to-inspiration to get breath-to-breath breathing rate

    2. Find cycle inspiration-to-expiration for inspiration time

    3. Find cycle expiration-to-inspiration for expiration time

Excel calculations

Create excel spreadsheet for each task and subject that contains:

  1. HR

  2. R-R

  3. Systolic blood pressure

  4. Diastolic blood pressure

  5. Breathing rate

  6. Inspiration time

  7. Expiration time

Matlab analysis

Import excel spreadsheets into Matlab

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