2008 CCHS

2008 CCHS

Subject Information

CCHS 2004 - used left hand for Hand grip challenge 
CCHS 2042 - not a true CCHS subject
CCHS 2048 - not a true CCHS subject
CON 2037 - suspected OSA


The warm-up seems to have been solved, with no discernable global BOLD shift at the start. Document Iconglobal BOLD - initial period for all scans.fig Document Iconglobal BOLD - initial period relative to first scan (CON CCHS).fig


188 volumes, TR = 2.5 seconds

45 - on
52 - off
76 - on
83 - off
107 - on
114 - off
138 - on
145 - off

Hand grip
46 - on
52 - off
77 - on
83 - off
108 - on
114 - off
139 - on
145 - off

Hand grip

CCHS 2002 did not do hand grip
CCHS 2003 did not do hand grip
CCHS 2004 - used left hand for Hand grip challenge 
CON 2007 did not do hand grip (or scan was messed up)

CCHS 2010 - trouble with pulse ox / heart rate during tasks  
CCHS 2046 - trouble with pulse ox / heart rate during tasks (movement artifact)
CON 2001 - trouble with pulse ox / heart rate during tasks  
CON 2037 - trouble with pulse ox / heart rate / breathing rate during tasks  
CON 2044 - troblesome high heart rate with massive swings during tasks

CON 2043 - no field map
CON 2044 - no field map

Global BOLD Document IconCCHS N = 12 Document IconCONTROL N = 29 Document Icongroup means
CON 2016 - lots of shifts, including some large (-6%) ones
CON 2027 - big shift up mid-series (3-4%)
CON 2044 - massive swings

Motion Document IconCONTROLS N = 29 Document Icongroup global means
CON 2027 - shift -5 mm in Z
CON 2044 - lots of motion, close to 20 mm Z direction towards end


CCHS 2003 - trouble with pulse ox / heart rate during tasks
CCHS 2015 - subject appears to be breathing normally during task, while maintaining 30mm Hg
CCHS 2046 - subject taking long breaths during task, fails to achieve/maintain 30mm Hg

CCHS 2005 - challenge response is often exaggerated, and often in opposite direction of CCHS 2015, especially in mesial temporal areas
CCHS 2011 - challenge response is often abnormal or exaggerated (bilateral but asymmetrical)
CCHS 2015 - challenge response is often exaggerated in opposite direction of other CCHS subjects, especially CCHS 2005 in mesial temporal areas
CON 2044 - no field map

Global BOLD



FreeSurfer analyses