2006 OSA

Subject information

CON 116 - converted to OSA116 after home sleep study
CON 131 - had low SaO2 (and PSQI 11)
CON 155 - cyst in insular cortex
OSA 200 - had earlier polysomnography confirming OSA, but Edwin's study did no - a little odd.
CON 233 - could not make valsalva; questions about cognitive control; do not use as control
CON 275 - white matter lesion
CON 293 converted to OSA293 after sleep study
CON 298 - does not appear to be good control; borderline diabetic; taking ACE/ ARB; statin
CON 300 - subject was dropping O2 sat until 83%. May have OSA?
CON 301- do not use as control; did not meet inclusion criteria; taking anti-depressants
CON 304 - taking anti-anxiety drug
CON 306 - possible case of traumatic brain injury; do not use as control
OSA 130 - may not have OSA; wife did not report obstructive sounds, only breathing pauses; appeared to have Cheyne-stokes
OSA 165 - converted to HF165 after discovering he has heart failure
OSA 187 - sleep study not run (only had 1 hour recording, supine,REM, and NREM, with no signsof OSA). Do not include as OSA.

CON 300
OSA 122
OSA 140
OSA 167
OSA 200 (but may not be true OSA)
OSA 278 borderline

CON 102
CON 111
CON 118
CON 162
OSA 116
OSA 120
OSA 121
OSA 127
OSA 140
OSA 146
OSA 153
OSA 154
OSA 165
OSA 167
OSA 200
OSA 264
OSA 268
OSA 278
OSA 288
OSA 294

The following page lists subjects separated by variables we have in the database - anxiety, etc.

OSAHF2006 subject info - measured characteristics



OSA 153 - problems with tracking (cingulum bundle), possibly due to movement in one of 4 series


Cold pressor

Global BOLD Document IconControl
CON 179 - large global BOLD in cold pressor

Motion Document Iconmotion Control
CON 113 - sustained > 4 mm
CON 126 - 2 timepoints > 4 mm
CON 178 - 1 timepoint > 4 mm

CON 141 – irregular heart rate peaks in hand grip and cold pressor
CON 156 – O2 signal is absent for 20s during the cold pressor
CON 157 – no O2 signal from 1870-1970 s
CON 174 – O2 signal ends just after cold pressor
CON 273 – heart rate frequently jumps abruptly to 110 bpm during the cold pressor
OSA 120 - Matlab failed to load data into study
OSA 138 - subject did not finish scan
OSA 204 - the first attempt was stopped; the peak detection had trouble reading signals later on, but seems OK

Hand Grip

Global BOLD Document Iconglobal Control

Motion Document Iconmotion control
Controls OK

CON 141 – irregular heart rate peaks in hand grip and cold pressor


Global BOLD

CON 111 - 6-10 mm z-direction motion
OSA 250 - 5 mm motion in z-direction-

CON 155 – O2 signal ends just after fourth Valsalva
OSA 121 - frequent missed heart beats
OSA 138 - subject was unable to perform valsalva
OSA 164 - no valsalva available. Subject was unable to maintain load pressure.
OSA 225 - second valsalva only reached 20 mmHg
OSA 258 - did not achieve target pressure in any challenges
OSA 311 - subject had trouble seeing the light panel and was running longer during the valsalva

OSAHF2006 - List of subjects with good physiology
OSAHF2006 - List of unusable subjects (based on physiology and/or fMRI)

fMRI Timing (Note that 1st scan is included in challenge)


Hand Grip (Right)

Cold Pressor, Foot (Right)

Scanner Upgrades

VB11 up to subject 163 (DTI has 975 images), then VB13 (DTI has 13 images).


OSA 167 - bottom of cerebellum cut off, but still seems OK for other areas.