How to use the DPARSF gui ?
Please change 0.1 to 0.08 for better ALFF estimate
The above setting assumes that the data has been already preprocessed by CSPM. If you are inputting from NIFTI files you can use the GUI’s preprocessing features by clicking on them.
Add ReHo option only if the data processed has been smoothed.
These are the folders you will find once ALFF successfully run.
FunRaw is where you input the preprocessed files before running ALFF. Example
You should get the following folder with the 4 files if ALFF has successfully run
You should get the following types of files in the results folder for the group you selected
Work with the z scores from ALFF for input into subsequent SPM analyses. That means copy the zALFF… files for subsequent SPM analysis.
From the Results folder select smReHo for subsequent SPM analyses. That means copy the smReHo files for each subject for subsequent SPM analysis.
For fALFF subsequent SPM analyses select mfALFF.. files for each subject.
A sample SPM analysis file would look like: