Filtering options

Filtering options

Maddie found this in the software guide:


0.05 high pass filter, 0.03 micro siemens, and reject SCR’s under 10% of max with a baseline estimation of 0.25 seconds. I attached a screenshot of what output variables were recommended in that particular guide. However, I was comparing it to the Biopac user manual and while the reject percentage and the baseline estimation are the same between the two, biopac recommends smoothing baseline removal filter, and 0.03 micro siemens. The difference between the two filters is that the high pass one "essentially AC couples the tonic EDA signal similar to using the high pass hardware filter available on the GSR100C module." and the smoothing one " constructs phasic EDA by subtracting an estimate of the baseline conductance from the tonic EDA. Set the baseline estimation." Regarding the baseline estimation window, if you increase the window it increases the sensitivity and so you'll get more responses back.


This is what we’re doing:

0.05Hz High pass filter

Baseline estimation window 0.25 seconds

SCR threshold level 0.03 microsiemens

Reject SCRs under 10% of max

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