A few tips and tricks, included as questions arise.
Search images
Use this in url:
Example to search for middle owhyee:
Organizing by thread vs. by date
To turn off the default grouping of emails with similar subject lines, go to Settings, General, and set "Conversation view off":
Gmail forwarding
Google Apps for UCLA
Emails to jbruin@ucla.edu will go to Google Apps for UCLA, also know as g.ucla.edu, or "g" for short.
To access these emails, go to g.ucla.edu and sign on with your UCLA logon (1 below).
To access Google through a program other than a web browser, you need to set up a Google Apps password; click 2 above, then click "My Google Apps username or password"
You will then be able to create a password for use with Thunderbird, and other software.
Thunderbird settings
Go to Account Settings (Tools menu, or right-click over an account on the left)
Under Account Actions, click "Add Mail Account"
Enter your name, and jbruin@g.ucla.edu as your email address, then your Google Apps password.
If the settings don't work automatically, change to the following (probable only the server names will need changing):
Server: use imap.gmail.com
Username: jbruin@g.ucla.edu
Connection security: SSL/TLS
Authentication: normal
Outgoing server: smtp.gmail.com
Port: 465
Connection security: SSL/TLS
Authentication: normal
Username: jbruin@g.ucla.edu
Changing Google Drive to new account
I had a new Google Apps account rhough work with unlimited storage, so I wanted to disconnect my Google drive from my personal account, and connect to the Google Apps one. Here are instructions (part way down the page).