Quality Check

Quality Check

CSPM creates files to look assess the success and quality of the preprocessing.

fMRI Quality Check

Mean, stdev and individual normalized images *

Set folder, “fMRIanalysis”, preproc, “Summary”

Example :T:\HCP\ID419N596G1\fMRIanalysis\fMRI_HCP1200_rsfMRI_VOIconn_Left Hippocampus\Summary



What to look for



What to look for


Mean of all studies in group. If have more than one group, also have mean of all images in set (“ALL…nii”)

N[###] - N followed by number of studies.

  • Example: “…\CONTROLmean…_N596.nii”

Files use to create the mean are listed in the text file “…\thefiles4[GROUP]mean_N[###].txt”

Smoothness, no weird outside-the-brain signal


Standard deviation; equivalent naming to mean

Artifactual regions of high stdev

* Start with this file *


A pdf with multiple pages:

1st - Mean display

2nd - Stdev displayu

A series of 15 images/page “Check Reg” are run, with the template top-left and individual studies. Multiple pages are creted as needed.

Consistent normalization of individual scans. See snapshot below

The first step for problem scans is to check the project coreg with template. See Manual Coreg to MNI Step-by-Step Instructions

Example page from file “CONTROLsummary_N596.pdf” for fMRI correlation values. The images are fuzzy because they are correction values, not anatomical scans. However, the shape should be roughly similar to the template. A good idea is to look for at one orientation at a time (for example, figure below shows two magnified axial views, one matched to the template and the other not).



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