Study table

Study table

The study table contains recordings, including MRI series and physiology studies.


TypeNull Allowed?  Comment
'study_id' 'int(11)' 'NO' 'PRI' '' 'auto_increment'      
'modified' 'timestamp' 'NO' '' 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' 'on update CURREN...'     
'project_id' 'smallint(6)' 'NO' '' '0' ''      
'subject_id' 'int(11)' 'NO' '' '0' ''      
'name' 'varchar(255)' 'NO' '' '' ''      
'date' 'date' 'YES' '' '' ''      
'datatype' 'enum('MRI','opti...' 'NO' '' 'MRI' ''      
'datapath' 'varchar(255)' 'YES' '' '' ''     This should be the raw data; in phys it is currently the standard-format data
'series' 'int(11)' 'YES' '' '' ''     might need to use this for phys, in case have two studies on same day (or should examno be different?)
'description' 'text' 'YES' '' '' ''      
'examno' 'bigint(20)' 'YES' '' '' ''      
'duration' 'int(11)' 'YES' '' '' ''      
'loaded' 'tinyint(4)' 'NO' '' '0' ''     for hd2000
'datafile' 'varchar(255)' 'YES' '' '' ''      
'datetime' 'datetime(3)' 'YES' '' '' ''     



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