Network Installation
Network Installation
- Stop and remove the license service: lmtools, Config, remove service
- Download license.lic file for network license from mathworks; copy "File Installation Key" (FIK)
- Install new license server software (Windows 64 bit), using FIK option (vs. account)
- Copy "license.dat" file from Program Files\MATLAB\R[20..]\etc
- Go to mathworks and download release (Windows 64 bit)
- Use account logon, choose network concurrent license
- When prompted, select the license.dat file.
Startup files
- Single user: in the old MATLAB, type ">>which startup" to see where the file is. If it is in Users\[person]\Documents\MATLAB, the new version will see this file.
- Multiple users: copy the startup files from the old to the new MATLAB toolbox\local folder
Uninstall old versions
Search for Programs and Features, and uninstall the old MATLAB. You can delete the old folder under Program Files\MATLAB.
Help info
Thank you, this is just what I needed. The only missing piece for an upgrade is to delete the existing service (command prompt, sc delete "MATLAB license server"). The folders under the old MATLAB versions (e.g., Program FIles\MATLAB\R2013b) can also be deleted. Sometimes a restart is needed.
Paul M. Macey, Ph.D.
Associate Professor in Residence
Associate Dean for Information Technology and Innovations
Chief Innovation Officer
UCLA School of Nursing
424-234-3244 phone/voicemail
On 2/10/2015 4:21 PM, MathWorks Installation Support wrote:
Hello Paul,
Thank you for contacting MathWorks Installation and Licensing Support. I am going to answer your questions out of order since you will need the license file for the server in order to perform the server installation:
2. You can download the license file for the server from your MathWorks Account. If you are updating the license manager running on the same machine, please see the below support article:
How can I obtain or update my network license file for my license manager?
1. After you have obtained your license file for the server, please see the below support article for instructions on installing the new license manager software. Please note the below has instructions for stopping and removeing the MATLAB License Server from the Windows Services:
How do I install or update the License Manager for a network license?
3. After installing the new version of the license server, a processed license file called a license.dat will be created in the /etc/ directory of the server installation. By default this is:
C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2014b\etc\license.dat
This license.dat has the SERVER line that will point your network clients to the location of the license server on your network. Create a copy of this and distribute it to your clients. They will need it during the installation. For more information, please see our client install guide below:
How do I install a MATLAB client for a network license?
Let me know if you have any questions.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to email me back. Please be sure to keep the REF ID included at the bottom of this email intact when replying to this message. If you have a new technical support question, please submit a new request here:
Dan Eno
MathWorks Installation Support
, multiple selections available,
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