This GUI is used to set local settings specific to this computer.
Feb 2024: Changed GUI format.
Numbered items are explained below (snapshot out of date).
- Tests connection to CorelDraw; takes 15 seconds
- This section is for the Linux virtual machine. The IP address is the Linux network address, set inside Linux <see network connections>.
- Tests whether the IP address set in Linux is "seen" by Windows. If this fails, the LinuxVM is not turned on <see setting up LinuxVM>, or the network connection does not have the IP set correctly <see network connections>.
- Â blank
- blank
- blank
- The path to the shared folder, where files can be passed between LinuxVM and Windows; this is set in the LinuxVM settings <Shared Folder in LinuxVM page..
- supersampling: these are created based on the T1 reference, during T1 preprocessing
- Voxel size can be a single number for isotropic, or 3 numbers for different x/y/z sizes.
- Bounding box should be in the format xmin ymin zmin; zmax ymax zmax.
- blank
- blank
- blank
- blank
- blank
- blank
- blank
- blank
- blank
- blank
- Opens this page