Pipes (database tables)
A pipe is a protocol for analyzing one chunk of data, with parameters for processing one or more steps. T1, fMRI etc.
pipe table
Field | data type | description |
pipe_id | index |
modified | timestamp |
name | varchar |
pipetype | VARCHAR(256) | fMRI,phys,T1,VBM |
description | varchar | user-entered description |
linkpipe_ids | varchar (string vector of numbers) | pipe_ids of pipe dependencies (input data) |
archive | boolean | flags unused pipe; because we do not want to duplicate pipe_id’s, best to hide rather than delete unwanted pipes |
pipesetting table
Field | data type | Description |
pipe_id | integer | link to pipe |
name | varchar |
value | varchar | all values stored as strings; this avoids have multiple fields |
datatype | varchar | Explains how to convert value. match matlab class names as much as possible: char, logical, number, vector |
isparam | boolean | params are valuse that change proecssing (smoothing, voxel size etc.). seeting to false allows other settings to be stored |