
To Create timetrends

  1. Start SPM
  2. Start the CSPM toolbox
  3. Select "Display Results" button (right side)
  4. Select on of the following folders under V:\CCHS2004\fMRIestimation\passive foot movement (left) [or right]
    • ...\sFWHM8wmcrLMRPGS\FixedN29st1grp (detrended for global signal and motion parameters)
    • ...\sFWHM8wmcr_rmLMGS\FixedN29st1grp (detrended for global signal)
    • ...\sFWHM8wmcr\FixedN29st1grp (no detrending)
  5. Run analysis
  6. Summary files will be saved in ...\sFWHM8wmcrLMRPGS\TimetrendN29st1grp; there will be a CorelDraw file and a PDF file (a browser will open automatically)
  7. VOI: individual Excel and overlay (*.ps) files are saved in ...\sFWHM8wmcrLMRPGS\TimetrendN29st1grp\[manual_VOI]\[VOI name]
  8. SPM: individual Excel and overlay (*.ps) files are saved in ...\sFWHM8wmcrLMRPGS\FixedN29st1grp\Contrast_thresh_voxlimit\cluster_location

To create timetrends from custom VOI's

  1. Create VOI's in MNI space (e.g., use Y:\Analyses\CCHS (14) and controls (29).img)
  2. Save VOI's as "*.nii" files
  3. Copy to folder with all VOI's (e.g., Y:\Analyses\Passive foot fMRI (controls)\timetrends\manual_VOI
  4. In 'Display" (above), select custom VOI and folder; Run