Bruker DTI Fixation

Bruker DTI Fixation

Hi Luke,

It looks to me that there has been differences in the fixation between the batches that caused differences in the MD?


From the MRI, there has been no software or hardware changes between the batches. When the samples arrived, I only removed the formalin solution and exchanged them with Magnevist buffer. 


Have you looked at the FA? This parameter is usually more consistent. 




On 4 Jul 2022, at 10:03, Luke Henderson <luke.henderson@sydney.edu.au> wrote:

Hi Nyoman,


Hope you are well. I am analyzing the mouse DTI and have created mean diffusivity maps and have run into an issue. I have tried every trick I know to work out what the issue is but cant seem to figure it out. We sent you three batches of mice to scan.

Batch 1: scanned between 12/11/2020 - 25/11/2020

Batch 2: scanned between 28/6/2021 - 9/7/2021

Batch 3: scanned between 5/3/2022 - 23/2/2022


Below are plots of global MD from each mouse in native space - you can see that those mice scanned during the second batch all have MD values that are much lower (50% or more) than those scanned during either the first or third batches.


Do you know if something was done differently during the second batch - its driving me crazy to be honest


I have cced a friend of mine that is helping with the analysis





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