Bruker DTI and fixations: ratios?
Another idea re range - simple first step – open some iamges from each session images in mricron, have a column (or mricon windows) for each session, see if you can set intensity ranges to be equalent to capture range of image, and see if the contrast between gray and white looks less in middle session.
Paul M. Macey
Director of Evaluation
UCLA School of Nursing
From: Macey, Paul <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2022 8:53 AM
To: Luke Henderson <>
Subject: RE: rat MD GM, WM an ratio
Hmm….that’s not ideal, middle session ratio is lower for sure
What about absolute values, so wm – gm for example?
Other thought – maybe images should be scaled to the range of intensities. It looks like the middle session ratio is closer to 1, which suggests less contrast (wm closer to gm). We can expand the contrast by stretching the range…. First does that make sense? Kinda like an intensity range normalization. I would look at something like 95 percentile or interquartile range…. I think the im_info thing does that. First let me know if that makes sense, then we can figure out how to investigate, and then how to adjust.
Paul M. Macey
Director of Evaluation
UCLA School of Nursing
From: Luke Henderson <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2022 12:36 AM
To: Paul Macey <>
Subject: rat MD GM, WM an ratio
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What do you think?
Professor Luke Henderson
The University of Sydney
School of Medical Sciences
Faculty of Medicine and Health
Level 1, Brain and Mind Centre
The University of Sydney | NSW | 2006
+61 2 9351 7063 |