Project Phys - Copy from Raw to Project
The physiology in the raw data (subject’s study) contains a recording. In the project, we define a section of the recording to be the physiology of interest. The reason is that physiology is typically continuously recorded, but we only analyze sub-sections of the recording. Thus, a physiology study in a project is defined by the raw data, with a start time (“event”) and duration defining the data to extract from the full recording.
Siemens phys - Note that for concurrent fMRI physiology recording, the phys starts and ends with the fMRI series, so this is an exception. However, it’s treated the same way in CSPM - the start event will be the start of the recording, and the duration will be the entire duration.
During the Project “Phys Copy”, selected channels are copied into the project folder, at a defined sample rate.
The selection and sample rates are define in the local settings: