fMRI Load Slice Timing Infomation (optional)

Attempts to load slice timing infomation. This will not always succeed.

Used for slice timing corrections and physiology. This is called before loading physiology, since the info can be used to get slice-by-slice timetrends.


For each fMRI series, read slice timing, looking in this order:

  1. A file named “slicetiming.txt” in the rawimages series folder

  2. BIDS slice timing information

  3. DICOM headers

For info about slice timing, see .

Check that TR from slice timing matches fmritype TR (gives warning if not)

Check that number of slices from slice timing match the size of the fMRI scans (gives warning if not)


Matlab files: cspm_analysis_fmri_slicetiming_load, which calls cspm_mri_getslicetiming