Bruker to nifti conversion

There are many programs that do this but most are obsolete.

As of June 2022:

One is an SPM extension that runs in MATLAB, and the second is a python program. Since the python program is being updated, it’s the better option. It does require installing python (see Python for MTLAB ).

The python program can select the top-level folder for one subject and convert all the scans within.

To install

  • Open a Command Prompt

  • pip install bruker2nifti

To run:

If you added the python path when installing python, go to a command window and the the package name (bruker2nitfi).

To run the GUI, use bruker2nifti_gui

Otherwise….this is obtuse….

Navigate to and run the python file “open” in the following subfolder (see note below)

To find the python home folder, in matlab type >> pyenv

To check version

Open Command Prompt

Type pip show bruker2nifti