MRI Raw Data - Series folder structure

See snapshot below for example of steps.

In raw data drive, project folder:

  1. Subject folder

  2. Study folder

    • Example: “Study 1 2022-02-02 [MRI]”

    • Not required, but useful for organization.

    • For second visit, use “Study 2 …”, third “Study 3…”

    • “[MRI]” is useful if you do other studies like physiology, which can be ”Study … [Phys]” (or “…[fNIRS]” for fNRIS)

  3. “MRI” folder

  4. “raw” folder for all DICOM/files from scanner for this session

  5. Series folder

    1. Example: “series-05 (T1w)”

  6. “raw” folder for DICOM files just for this series (pre 2020 these had to be renamed with protocol ID and series)

    • Not required post 2020, but useful for organization

  7. “nifti” folder for converted files, named with protocol ID and series number